Thursday, December 26, 2013

It's time for me to let go and move on

'Sometimes the chains that prevent us from being free are more mental than physical.'

celebrated christmas yesterday itching cause i got alcohol allergy fml drank 2 shots of vodka and the next minute, I'm itching and red spots start to appear on my face (while im working) ha ha ha customers must have thought im a disgusting prick.

Received a carebear from jacky(which i love) hahahaha and i never really loved the thought of getting stuffed toys as presents. It feels like a waste of space and lack of thought but oh well the carebear is a pretty shade of pink and kinda nice to hug so yeap this shall be an exception!

work was okay but i think im spending too much time on it... so tired that i knocked out for 10 hrs straight followed by a 2hr nap today (no work no school) and i didnt even talk to anybody. So tired.. what happened to this holiday being productive (study-wise) and feeling good about myself. Two weeks has passed, and im even more tired and sleepy and fat and unhappy. I feel so lazy to talk to anyone and this is really not a good sign :(

off to buy medicine, hopefully they will sell it to me and then back to physio assignment -sighs-

on a side note, i really wanna go shopping and restock my clothes


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